Bishop’s Training Day – Waikato

Training Days – March 30th (Waikato)

It is expec­ted that all licensed clergy, licensed lay min­is­ters – LLMs (and those in the Lay Prac­ticum), and wardens will attend one of these train­ing after­noons, which will provide a shared worship fol­lowed by three sep­ar­ate train­ing streams (clergy / lay / wardens):

Sunday 30th March, St Stephen’s Tama­here: Com­mences at 2.30pm and con­cludes at 6.15pm.

Register Here!

Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time to sign-in and collect your name tag.

Note: If you hold a Licence (clergy or lay) in Waikato and Taranaki Diocese and are unable to attend one of these train­ing days, please provide an apology with explan­a­tion to the Bishop’s Office, Mignon – [email protected].

Licensed Lay Ministers / Lay Practicum – Session Information (with Bishop David):

The Anglican Chris­tian tra­di­tion has its roots in the early Anglo Celtic mis­sions and grew out of the ancient faith of the English speak­ing peoples. It has DNA from the Medi­ter­ranean apostolic mission of the first century. This hybrid her­it­age became inde­pend­ent of the Roman Cath­olic Church at the time of the reform­a­tion but retained a Cath­olic heart together with a reform­ing mind. The her­it­age has since found roots and wings in many cul­tures and parts of the world , and is now the world’s third largest church. These ses­sions will explore the vital signs of the her­it­age and its life and the char­ac­ter­ist­ics of its mission over time.

Wardens and Clergy will each be having a session with Bishop Philip and Mr Ben Ferreira (Diocesan Manager).

More inform­a­tion avail­able soon…

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